This weekend I decided to give one of my oldest project an update and move it to the Bloatless project. And here we go: The bloatless PHP Websockets.
I started this project about 7 years ago - more or less as an experiment. I wanted to implement an WebSocket server in PHP. At that time WebSockets were a relatively new topic and there were not many websocket servers you could use. So I decided to fork an existing project and implement most features by myself.
Even though the project did not receive any updates during the last years and was still on PHP5 there was still a little activity on GitHub and I received a mail now and then. This is why I decided to revive this project and move it into the Bloatless organisation.
So here is the Version 2.0 Changelog:
- Move project to the "Bloatless" organisation and adjust namespaces.
- Migration to PHP7.
- Remove SSL support. (Use a reverse proxy if you need SSL!)
- Remove support for binary frames/data. (Feature was never stable and PHP is just not the best solution for this.)
- Remove classloader/autoloadign libs.
- General code cleanup.
- Migrate CoffeScript to modern vanilla JavaScript.
- Remove jQuery as dependency.